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Phoenix Model Developments
Fortland House, Lissinagroagh, Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim, EIRE
Sales: 00353 858557691
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Noahs Ark (kit) and animals

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Noahs Ark (kit) and animals
Ref: TY07U
DIY. Unpainted in kit form . Noah's Ark (length 45mm) Complete with Noah and his wife plus two of each elephants, giraffes, lions, pigs, sheep, cattle, doves and peacocks . 1/12 scale for nursery .

Price: £22.00

Noah's Animals Only Noah's Animals Only
Ref: TY08U
Animals only to paint . Two of each elephants, giraffes, lions, pigs, sheep, cattle and peacocks .
Price: £15.00

Noahs Ark Hull Only Noahs Ark Hull Only
Ref: TY07 hull

Price: £10.00

Scottish piper Scottish piper
Ref: TY03
Unpainted Only

Click on picture for painted example

Price: £4.60

Drummer Drummer
Ref: TY04

Click on picture for painted example

Price: £4.60

Soldier Soldier
Ref: TY05

Click on picture for painted example

Price: £4.60

Trumpeter Trumpeter
Ref: TY06
Unpainted . Supplied polished .
Length 38mm

Click on picture for painted example

Price: £4.60

Doll with hat - jointed Doll with hat - jointed
Ref: DL07U
DIY. Now in polished kit form and unpainted. Jointed with full instructions .
Length 33mm
Price: £6.00

Tiny Rag Boy Tiny Rag Boy
Ref: DL83U
Unpainted . Undercoated only .
Cast in one piece .Length 15mm
Price: £4.00

Sailor doll - jointed . Sailor doll - jointed .
Ref: DL03U
DIY. Now in polished kit form and unpainted. Jointed with full instructions .
Length 38mm
Price: £6.60

Baby Bunting Baby Bunting
Ref: DL81U
Now unpainted . Undercoated only .
Cast in one piece . Length 12mm
Price: £4.00

Tiny Rag Girl Tiny Rag Girl
Ref: DL82U
Now unpainted . Undercoated only .
Cast in one piece .Length 14mm
Price: £4.00

Pierrot doll - jointed Pierrot doll - jointed
Ref: DL16U
DIY. Now in polished kit form and unpainted. Jointed with full instructions .
Length 36mm
Price: £6.00

Raggedy Ann - jointed Raggedy Ann - jointed
Ref: DL09U
DIY. Now in polished kit form and unpainted. Jointed with full instructions .
Length 33mm
Price: £6.00

Bo-Peep - jointed - and sheep Bo-Peep - jointed - and sheep
Ref: DL15
DIY Now unpainted .
Length 30mm
Price: £7.00

Chimney sweep - jointed Chimney sweep - jointed
Ref: DL17U
DIY. Now in polished kit form and unpainted. Jointed with full instructions .
Length 33mm

Price: £7.00

Small rocking horse on bows Small rocking horse on bows
Ref: TY09U
Unpainted .
Price: £6.00

See-saw monkeys - jointed See-saw monkeys - jointed
Ref: TY12


Price: £8.00

Roly Poly Clown Roly Poly Clown
Ref: TY18U
Unpainted .
Price: £6.60

Terrestrial Globe Terrestrial Globe
Ref: TY21
DIY Unpainted ONLY
Price: £8.00

Teething ring with rattle Teething ring with rattle
Ref: TY75U
Unpainted .
Price: £1.60

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Our products are not toys and are not suitable for children under 14 years of age

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